9 CSS projects you can build to get better
These are projects that take beginner front-end devs from 0 to 100
Last time, I wrote about CSS for beginners. The purpose of that article was to help beginner front-end developers get their feet wet with the technology without feeling intimidated. If you are a beginner, and you missed that article, open this in a new tab. Today, I will be writing about the CSS projects you can build to practice and fail yourself to maturity. So without further ado, here are 9 CSS projects you can build to get better as a front-end developer.
Loading Animation
Almost every internet user has experienced some form of loading animation. That circular spinner you see on YouTube, Netflix, and many other sites is all types of loading animation. Your job is to reproduce something like this in whatever capacity you can. I'll leave the research and development to you. I have a post on how to build this spinner down here, check it out with this link.
Navigation bars
Another component that is very popular on the internet. The navigation bar is usually at the very top of most sites. It is very popular and if you are going to be building websites for others, you will have to know how to build them. Practice with different variations of navigation bars. I have a post on "building a navigation bar" here. Here is an example of a navigation bar on my site, found at joshytheprogrammer.
Login & Signup Forms
Being able to build a login/signup form is one of the most useful skills that you must have as a developer. If you've used any site at all, you've probably experienced one of these. Every site will need one at some point, so gain experience building it now. You should build 50 - 60 different form variations. It is not just login forms, by the way. Anything that allows you to work with the form
tag will prove useful later on. Here is an article I wrote, it is titled "building a contact form" and you can find it here. Or you can practice with this nice picture below. (Can be found on DRIBBLE).
Full-screen landing page
What is a full-screen landing page?
~It is part of a website that serves as the entry point for your website. Your device's full screen is taken by that page as soon as you load the website and afterward, you see the rest of the site.
Building this type of website will help you master CSS positioning, which will be invaluable when you start building for others. Here is an example of a beautiful full-screen landing page.
Video background
This is pretty similar to the last one, the only difference is that this focuses mainly on video. A website with a full-screen video background will have a video playing (mute) to captivate the visitor. Being able to build this will help you master CSS video management. Here is a simple video background I use with the work section of my website found here. Those bubbles you see move, check it out.
Image jumbotron
This will be useful when building hero sections of professional websites. It simply involves an image with text on it, this image doesn't necessarily cover the entire screen. Here is one quick example found here.
Grided Footer
Most websites need footers. Footers contain general information about the site, site data, creator data, and other relevant information. Being able to properly organize them at the end of each page will prove invaluable to your front-end journey. Below is an example of a footer I built for a company Mayworks found here.
E-commerce product card
On many websites you will build, you will have to properly arrange different cards of information. I use product cards as an example but there are others. They include service cards, address cards, testimony cards, and much more. A card is simply a collection of relevant information. Being able to build them will be extremely valuable. Here is one E-commerce card I built for NeasFashion found here.
Full-fledged site
The last project I would have you build is a full-fledged website that doesn't require much javascript. Nothing will strengthen your hand as much as building. Your website should have a navigation bar, a form, an image jumbotron, an e-commerce product card, and a footer. Basically a combination of everything you have built so far.
Once you can build this, congratulations you are a front-end HTML and CSS developer. Keep practicing, you will soon be ready to learn JavaScript.
This is one article I really enjoyed writing. I hope it provided some value to you...